Break up??

Okay, I have a boyfriend, Avery…

Should I tell him its over, or no?

He told me I look like a pregnant lady, that im ugly, that im creepy, and then lied to my best friend about me doing something.. MY dad recently died, and my boyfriend seams not to care at all..

Im in love with him though, and idunno what to do.



Answer #1

Reply to babyy123:

Thanks. One thing I think I need to add now is that, I dont have much longer on this earth. The doctors are giving me a maximum of two years to live.. From Asthma, and Anxiety Attacks.

But anyways, Thanks everyone for the advice. I think ima try talking to him, and then see what he says, and whatever happens, happens.. I need to live life as much as I can while I have the chance… (:

Answer #2

it’s hard to break up with someone who you love, a couple of days ago my best friend broke up with her boyfriend and she still loves him, but he was a jerk. it will hurt either way, if you stay with Avery, he will keep hurting your feelings, if you leave him, then you will miss him. but you need to do what you think is best hun. from what you say, he seems like a jackass, and you deserve better then that :) but it’s completely up to you, no one can tell you what you should do.

Answer #3

girl I would leave him because both ways its going 2 I would take the better way.and try 2 find somebody better..and nthat would love me back

Answer #4

the right guy wouldnt not care about that, he would love you and respect you and not call you those names. you seem like a young bright lady, and you think your in love, your not.

Answer #5

then he doesnt treat you right at all, your still young and have plenty of time to find the right guy. I would break up with him, thats not right. he shouldnt be like that, if you dont want to break up…talk to him about it. and tell him how you feel.

Answer #6

I hate to say this but if he doesnt even care about you or your feelings then you should find someone who does. If he calls you ugly and calls you creepy and spreads rumors about you then you should leave right away. It seems like he’s emotionally abusive to you and you dont deserve that! Find you someone new right away!!

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