How do I take a branch off of a rose bush and root it?

Answer #1

Cut a length of stem from the rose bush. If there is a flower, cut it off and leave about a 12” section of stem. Than, snip or pinch off all but the top 2 leaves on the branch. Cut off any stem just above the top set of leaves. Now, make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem, just below one of the nodes - they are a little bump on the stem. Use your clippers to slice up the cut end of the rose stem about 1/4”. Turn the stem and do this again. The last 1/4” of the rose branch should be sliced into 4 sections. Dip the cut end of the rose bush branch into water and then into the rooting compound. With a pencil or stick, poke a hole into the potting mix that you have put into a pot. Slide the branch into the hole, being careful to not rub the rooting compound off. Take the lid off of the plastic bin and set it on table where your rose bush cutting will be living while it roots. You want the lid to be placed with the top down. Check your rose bush cutting every few days to make sure the potting mix is moist. In a couple of weeks check to see if your rose bush cutting has grown roots by gently tugging on the stem. Hopefully, after a couple of weeks new leafs should grow and it can then be put into the garden.

Answer #2

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