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It feels horrible worse pain ever. Go buy one of those icee things from speedway, drink it really fast and you’ll NEVER do it again.
Lol I get those all the time and drink them fast, my friends look at me in amazement cause I never get the brain freeze, I drink like 32 ounces in 15 minutes
Imagine the roof of your mouth constricting inwardly and your Moler teeth all having sensitive cavities.
It hurts. You feel like you’re going to die. Your eyes water. And you can’t talk cause you’re in so much pain. Yep. It’s awesome. 0,0
I get it all the time when I eat popsicles or drink a really cold drink. It happens alot to people with sensitive teeth. You literally feel like your brain is freezing. Like your skull is imploding and exploding at the same time. Fortunately, it only lasts for 2 or 3 minutes, but even for such a short time it’s the worst headache ever.
If you’ve never had it before then consider yourself very lucky ;)
It’s really not that bad lol it’s just like the roof of your mouth is really cold & it’s a little pain.
I don’t think I ever get the worse of it >w< But whenever I drink something ice cold and really fast, I squint my eyes and the roof of my mouth feels like it’s numb XD I dunnoh I guess that’s this so called ‘Brain Freeze’
Haha, I was just sitting on my garage roof eating an ice lolly really fast and I got brain freeze & nearly fell off :P But it’s not that bad, I wouldn’t say it’s painful or anything like that, it just feels like you have stuck your head in snow? Why you asking? :3
Because I have never experianced it before and my friends have found it hard to explain as to what it feels like, so I thought I would ask everyone here
You just get a strong short headache that kind of like pauses your mind from working for a few seconds and the roof of your mouth is just freezing cold. o-o The fastest way to cure it is put your tongue pressed up on the roof of your mouth till it heats up to normal. :]
Wow its that simple to get rid of, I will have to pass this info along to friends, thanks :-)
lol You’re welcome!
It’s a lot easier an cleaner than doing this http://www.funadvice.com/tip/putting_thumb_roof_mouth_stops_brain_freeze XD
I personally think “heart freeze” is worse than “brain freeze”
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