Braces vs. Retainer

What is the difference?

Answer #1

Braces normally consist of metal brackets and wires that stay on your teeth from anywhere from 6 months to a few years. Like chunkymonkey18 said you get to choose the colors, which is sometimes fun, I used to love doing holiday and funky colors when I had mine. While other braces like invisalign which is more like a retainer that slowly moves your teeth over a period of time, its braces, but its clear. It does the same job though. A retainer is generally a metal bar that holds your teeth in place. most are removable, you wear less and less after the braces are removed.occasionally youll have one to keep your teeth in place while you have or even before you get braces. while most are removable, some are perment. I know I for one have both, my top is removable and I only wear once a month or so and my bottom is permanent.

any questions, dont hesitate to ask, I have had virtually everything orthodonist related in my mouth at one point in time or another.
Answer #2

Braces help straighten your teeth. A retainer holds your newly straighted teeth in place so they don’t shift back to being crooked.

Answer #3

a retainer you can take out and dont have to go to the dentist for to chang every month and braces hurt and are more prittyer and you get to chooes the colors

Answer #4

yea braces move your teeth, a retainer holds them in place

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