Girls getting braces?

What do people think of 19 year old girls with braces? I’m getting them in January & I’m really nervous!

Answer #1

I know someone who’s 19 with braces (: It’s fine. If anyone would say anything at least your going to have really straight teeth when you get them off (:

Answer #2

It doesn’t matter what age you are, at least it helps your teeth. I have them and no one makes fun of me, a lot of people do get them, but at least your teeth will look really pretty after that.

Answer #3

yeah seriously don’t worry about it, and think how AMAZING your teeth will look when they’re done!!! =D xxx

Answer #4

its fine (: I dont think age really contradicts with braces :D its nothing bad or embarassing (:

Answer #5

thatz not bad most of my guy friends love girls with braces my boyfriend has braces and he look so sexii with them I love his braces and don’y worry about braces are so common itz kinda a fad lol

Answer #6

it fine you shouldnt really worry about it

Answer #7

Thank you ladies :)

Answer #8

Well I know some people 19 and older with braces(: I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.

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