How can I find a guy I can trust that isn't gay

How can I find a guy I can trust that isn’t gay

Answer #1

most guys that I’ve met are

Answer #2

You need to re-evaluate yourself… and the type of guys you’re attracted to.

Answer #3

thnx but how does that help??? well never mind about my question because most guyz will say that they’re nice but they only say that because they want to do it.. >:|

Answer #4

I dont even know how to begin to answer this question… So all straight men arent trustworthy (and by default all gay men are?) lol, ok, you just need to meet more people… all men really arent that bad…

Answer #5

captainassassin has a point…

all the guys in the world arent untrustworthy (ok lets agree on that as a fact?) so if it’s all the guys you meet and are attracted to, the common denominator must be you… think about the type of guy you like, fall for, are generally attracted to… maybe you are attracted to these guys because you know that an intimate relationship isnt possible because they arent trustworthy… (I.e. you have a fear of intimacy) or maybe it is something else… but all guys really arent all that bad…

Answer #6

Raise your standards… take your time…

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