What do I do when my boyfriend has started interfering with my schooling?

We live together and he’s gone off the edge lately and it’s making it extremely hard to study and keep my head on straight. Any tips on how I can make time for both?

Answer #1

make your boyfriend realize that you have to study and do your work, before anything else. and then you can spend all your free time with him… :) ?!?! if he loves you, he’ll understand that maybe you need a little more space to study and all that…..or maybe you could study together or do homework together . i think you should just try to have an equal balance between together time and study time

Answer #2

well i would say try to get the school work done early and have night be with him. now on days where you have a test the next day, those nights you study and let him know that you have to study. try to do more school work at school on breaks, or just stay at the school a lil longer and do your work/

Answer #3

I live with him, and i’m doing A LOT of work. I have about 4 hours or so of schooling then about 6-8 hours of homework. So it’s very hard balancing that out. He’s not even being cllingy he’s being straight mean to me so it’s stressful.

Answer #4

Damn, yeah that would be hard to balance. I don’t even really have a boyfriend at the moment and I’m already all over the place with school. I know people who avoid relationships while in school for the exact reason that it’s so hard to balance, but obviously you can’t just put your relationship on hold so you can do work. Can you stay at the school you’re going to for a bit, in a library or something so you can focus? Maybe if you have time in between classes it would be a good time to go sit down with your books and get some reading done. Being at home makes it a lot harder to study. Then, when you feel like you’ve accomplished a fair bit head home and take care of business there.

Answer #5

what are you going for? jw? and are you a 1st year student? but um be straight out with him tell him he needs to chill out school is the important thing right now and it costs alot of money and you dont wana waste it. and tell him you have enough stress from school and you do not need the stress to be at home. he should be a lil more understanding

Answer #6

im in my 3rd yr of college, and i dont live with a gf but i live at home with my parents and my niece. all of which can get very annoying. one thing i can do though i know not every1 can do is listen to music while i do hw. that way i tone everything out and just focus.

Answer #7

I think it would be best to study at the library or somewhere else, like a cafe maybe. It would give you some alone time to focus on your studies, and it might give him some time to cool off as well.

Answer #8

DROP HIM PRONTO! He does not truly care for you. When he does show care it is usually to some selfish goal that he has. A true loving boyfriend would do all he could to support you. If he doesn’t support you now it will only get worse over time.

Answer #9

To leather neck i’ve been with my boyfriend going on 5 years and we live together it’s not as simple as “DROP HIM PRONTO” and dont tell me my boyfriend doesn’t care for me you know nothing of my relationship except that school is being made tough cause he’s getting jealous of the time i’m putting into it. My relationship doesn’t revolve around that, so no i’m not just going to up and leave.

Answer #10

And to breaking fan i’m working on my dr of pharmacy and am almost done with my bachelor of science in pharmaceutical sciences.

Answer #11

oh wow so yeah your neck deep into it. well yeah just explain or even better yet show him the work you have to do and let him now how stressful it is getting and he should be understanding. and goodluck with it and school

Answer #12

Mackenzie - I have worked with teen girls in therapeutic settings for many years. Boys/young men are prone to be interested in selfish outcomes. You are going out with a boy who is so insecure that he grows “jealous of the time (you) are putting in to” making your self a better person that will not have to count on a man/boy to support you. I am not being mean. If he if jealous of your noble work now, imagine how jealous he will be of any children you produce. I will wager that you will leave him because all he cares about is himself.

Answer #13

Take a short break or even better, study with him, so your still studying but your still hanging out with him, hope I helps:D

Answer #14

Simple: Tell him the truth. You’re gonna get F’s if you don’t study. Maybe you can arrange a study date so that he doesn’t feel rejected.

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