is my boyfriend over reacting?

what is the cause of vaginal odour? it’s a weird question, and i dont think i have any infections, i have actually been to the doctors lately and gotten std tests. but i was with my boyfriend a few days ago and we were only kissing and he told me i smelt down there. i have been with about 3 guys and i have never gotten any complaints about a bad smell, and i cant smell it at all. Is there any way to help it smell different? or taste better? now im way self consious about it and i dont know what to do

Answer #1

Every womans vagina has some sort of odor, although its not a bad odor. If your sure you have no infections and you dont smell anything then most likely hes full of cr@p or has never been near a vagina. If it was an infection or a bad smell you would notice it too.

Answer #2

You could/should talk to your doctor about it, just to make sure. But most likely it’s your boyfriend’s inexperience; a woman isn’t supposed to smell like a flower. Don’t try to make yourself smell or taste better … you can only cause yourself problems. Your boyfriend has the problem, not you.

Answer #3

yeah i no i dont have any infections, i have had a blood test and a pee test and the lady checked me. and iv had an internal and external ultrasound for something related but yeh

Answer #4

yeah i think he is inexperianced, hesays he has been with three different girls (hes 21, so thats alright) but yeah i was in the kitchen with his roomate ad his roomate said ‘oh have yous had sex yet cos if yous have its his first’ i was like whattt. lol i dont care, bt yeah i didnt like being told i smelt.

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