How can I trust my boyfriend if he cheated on me?

what can i do to trust my boyfriend that once cheated on me?

Answer #1

I am ashamed to admit that i once cheated in a relationship. But because of it i know that people make mistakes! my then boyfriend forgave me and it took me a while to regain his trust. It is important to remember that if he really loves you he won’t do it again because he probably just made a mistake and learned from it since no one is perfect!

Answer #2

its really hard i know my fiance has cheated on me but it was a long time ago and i still dont trust 100% but i knon he loves me and your bf has to care or he would have jus left you just kbnow he feels for you and yeah good luck

Answer #3

If he has apologized and done all that he can to make it up to you, , and you still don’t trust him, then there is nothing that you can do to make yourself trust him. Sorry, dear, but I have to ask; do you love him? I think that you can forgive someone for absolutely anything if you truly love them. It may be that you love the idea of him, the idea of having a b/f. But, because he cheated, he obviously didn’t live up to that idea. Kudos to you for trying to trust him, but if you just can’t, then that shows no personality defect on your part; it just means that your feelings for him might not be as deep as you may have thought. If this is the case, then you just have to move on. No matter how hard it is at first, you will learn from the experience and it’ll be worthit. good luck!!

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