Boyfriend help

Okay I’m gay and I have been seeing this guy for a month now we’re a couple. I love him to death and he loves me as well. he’s not out yet but thats fine cause I used to be in that situation. But I am the problem I seem to be always suspicious of what he’s doing I know he’s not cheating or anything cause he talks about me with his close friends all the time. But maybe someone can help me not be so suspicious and think of something that can make me not think things wrongly. because I love him so much that I would not want to become to suspicious that I end up saying something to him that may not have even happened to him. Please help me out here

Answer #1

I think if you two love each other and you trust him , then don’t worry , I think there’s a good chance he isn’t , I was worried that my ex was cheating on me and it turned out he wasn’t

Answer #2

If you love him…you should trust him

I think that you might have trusting issues. You should really try to trust him more. And know that he loves you and would never hurt you. hope that help =D

Answer #3

ok.. so I was in this saem situation with my boyfriend about 2 months ago… it got so bad that I had one of my friends spyng on him.. it turned out that I was just being a dumb a** and he wasnt doing anything… then I realized that I was the one with insecurities and I had to over come them… if you want to tlak more about it then you can message me on here or get at me on myspace… good luck!

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