What is it he can't tell me?

help my boyfriend says he cant tell me something or he wont have the advantage I will ?? iam so confused in this relationship I dont know what to do anyone have advice its been a long time we are together he dont talk much but says he loves me and I have no idea

Answer #1

I am sorry you should have said in your qustion ! well then I have no clue ! he could just have some chessey line to say ! I aploggize it just sounded like that is what was going on but you really need to put that in your qustion! lol sorry

Answer #2

I am sorry you should have said in your qustion ! well then I have no clue ! he could just have some chessey line to say ! I aploggize it just sounded like that is what was going on but you really need to put that in your qustion! lol sorry

Answer #3

SORRY to say but he is probley going to break up with you !

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