How do I make my boyfriend horny?

How do I make my boyfriend horny?

Answer #1

when you kiss let him touch u.. lick/suck his neck bite his neck sometimes but lightly dont hurt him.. rub/grab/ play with his package… =) hope this helps

Answer #2

find something that turns him on, and master it, talk to him, and ask him what turns him on, in a late night conversation, or HELL in the middle of class.. goodluck.. :]

Answer #3

if you are sittin on his lap every now and then move and try to get you as as close to his dick as possible… or just lightly grab it but very softly.

Answer #4

do sexy stuff for him.

Answer #5

something as simple as a touch can make him horny…or talk dirty that words too

Answer #6

when you guys makeout take his hand and put it on your boob. then after a while lift of your shirt and bra, that will get him going. make sure you touch him too!

Answer #7

try grinding urself againist him while makingout or maybe a handjob

Answer #8

touch him around his private part, rub his thighs, i do it always to my boyfriend and it always works ;) goodluck.

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