What if my boyfriend has a girth of 4 and length of 10??

He is the biggest I have ever been with, and we were at my house today and he tried to get it in me, and he hurt me, he is so big that he actually tore me and I started bleeding.. is there ANYWAY that we can fix it to where we can have sex without it hurting me?? we are getting married in February and also plan on having 4 children in the future.. and we are 20 and 21..

Answer #1

That honestly sounds terrible, i’d say just use a lot of lube and go slow.

Answer #2

the problem is getting in me.. I mean like I said he made me bleed, but he couldn’t get inside me..

Answer #3

Like I said go slow and use a lot of lube, it’ll take time and patience but eventually it’ll work.

Answer #4

so you think I will be able to take him in?? pain free?? without tearing me and making me bleed??

Answer #5

Just use a LOT of lube, and just try to get it in. It may take a while, and be painful…but after you finally get it in, try to relax, and tell him to go really slow.

Then, if it isn’t too painful keep going. If it’s too painful, stop and try again later.

Eventually, your v@gina will stretch out, and his pen!s will be able to go in more easily…it’s going to take time….but it should eventually work out.

Think about it, before you ever have sex, you v@gina hole is small. Then after you have sex for the first time, it hurts but then, eventually….after continuing to have sex, your v@gina stretches, and gets used to the size of the pen!s….then you are able to comfortably have sex, without all the pain like the first time.

Maybe he can try to insert it while it’s soft, and using a lot of lube. Then gradually get larger inside you.

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