Boy help (part 3)

The boy I bin talking about name is tommy and today I decide to take use the advice people gave me to push away from him and dont sit with him well I tried and he keep siting next to me and hes stronger then me so I couldnt push him out and he tried to kiss me and he told me he likes me and that he would brake up with his girlfriend brittany and I didnt belive him and he he said he would prove it I just had to tell him what to do and then when I told him to move out of my seat for the 100 time he moved and he was mad at me for a while and then he started to talk to me again but I dont think hes gonna sit with me no more and I miss him so much and I don’t know if he likes me eny more I wanna ask him but hes grounded and I didnt see him after school because he had detention and I was talking to his sis aka my bff and she said she would ask him but he had football and her phone died so now I cant find out if he likes me still and I don’t know what to do I like him alote but I don’t know if he likes me or my body or if hes lying to mess with my feelings

Answer #1

Your selfish now im stuck with him ):

Answer #2

listen, im sure he wouldnt get over you that quickly and if he did its going to be just as easy to win him back. Also, about his girlfriend if he says he will break up with her for you then you need to call him out on it put him on that spot and see what he does if he doesnt breakup with her then hes not worth it but if he does uk he cares for u. go for what you want but make sure your doing the right thing

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