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bored, lonely, pulling my hair out!
ok, so at the moment I am sooo bored and pathetiacally lonley feeling. does anyone have something funny to share, or interesting, boredom busters, or have listened to any good rock lately?
googled “bored and lonely” and this is one of the places it took me–thought you’d like to know :) you aren’t alone!!! God bless you!
Yeah, I’m first!!! I hope! My Story(not exactly funny) is when my brother and I were trying to find something to watch, I was totally obsessed with the Adam’s Family at the time and when he passed it on the TV I said “I want to watch the Adam’s Family!!!” he said “ I don’t want to watch the stupid adam’s family!!!” This went on for about 3 more minutes when finally, “ I… DON’T…WANT…TOOO…WATCH…THE …STUPID…ADAM’S…FAMILY…!!! POW! he gave me my first black eye at the age of 4!!! LOL!!! We both Laugh like hell when ever we tell someone that story!!!
Yeah, I’m first!!! I hope! My Story(not exactly funny) is when my brother and I were trying to find something to watch, I was totally obsessed with the Adam’s Family at the time and when he passed it on the TV I said “I want to watch the Adam’s Family!!!” he said “ I don’t want to watch the stupid adam’s family!!!” This went on for about 3 more minutes when finally, “ I… DON’T…WANT…TOOO…WATCH…THE …STUPID…ADAM’S…FAMILY…!!! POW! he gave me my first black eye at the age of 4!!! LOL!!! We both Laugh like hell when ever we tell someone that story!!!
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