What are you reading now since harry potter is done?

What are you reading now since harry potter is done?

Answer #1

Twilight series myself, I read them before the last book came out, um Cirque Du Freak, the books by Annette Curtis Klause (The Silver Kiss, Freaks: Alive on the Inside.) and that’s about it.

Answer #2

Everyone loves Twilight :) haha erhm Terry Pratchett is really funny and has a nice fantasy element to it. I love Melvin Burgess his books are really real and gritty. && as it’s summer (well it is over here in england) it’s the season of simple beach reads, Louise Rennisons “Confessions of Georgia Nicolson” are always a nice fun read. Look around the libary or you local book store I’m sure they’ll be something that catches your eye :)

Answer #3

I never read any of the Harry Potter books because I wasn’t ever interested in them but right now I’m reading, “Are you there Vodka, It’s me Chelsea?” …It’s by Chelsea Handler. She’s got her own show on the E! It’s called, “Chelsea Lately” …you should check into it. It’s really funny!

Answer #4

I’ve read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers, which are AMAZING. Other good books that I love are Atonement by Ian McEwan, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I also really love Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern books. There’s a ton of them and they’re really good. Hope I helped. :)

Answer #5

omg omg twilight series!!! the 4th book is coming out its amazing by stephanie meyer and she has this new book called the host its amazing too you’ll love her!

Answer #6

I’ve been reading the Artemis Fowl Series, Twilight series, Finishing Narnia, manga like SA (special A)n lots of shojo >_<, The Host (from stephenie meyer). um, I even gave the Clique series a go… um, not as bad as I thought, but not good enough to get me to go nuts and buy all the books. But I must admit, still quite entertaining. Oh, Flipped was actually really nice, it has a pic of a baby chick upside-down on a white cover. I read Star Girl because of my cousin, also a sweet story. You should ask your people at Barnes&Noble, they are supposed to know their stuff. A girl there actually told me to start Twilight.

Answer #7

im waitin for breaking dawn to cum out! THE TWILIGHT SERIES IS THE BESSSTTTEST!!!<<33

Answer #8

Read Twilight series…ofcourse…and also a book called 19 minutes by Jody Picoult

Answer #9

twilight, new moon, eclipse (awesome series)

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