How can I get my boobs to grow

How can I get my boobs to grow

Answer #1

I should be asking that question lol. I’ve been trying to find out for YEARS lol. -your boobs are fat and glands. so maybe eat a lot of portein and meat.


Answer #2

Well you cant really make them “grow”

How old are you?

Be happy with your body dont let anyone put you down boobs are boobs

nothing mayor in life;; you can always get implants

Answer #3

theres some stick you can use. its like resistance training. its on tv… chill bout it its no biggie. boobies are boobies just b thankful you got em

Answer #4

well its really down to genetics. theyre made completly of fat so if you out on weight you would make them “grow” but so would your waistline lol…apparetly soy milk increases breast size in some…its even given some men man boobs because of the estrogen hormone in it lol!

Answer #5

I’ve been asking that question for a long time…no answer…just be happy with what you got…only in american do girls have to obsess with boob size…

Answer #6

your the 11th chick who asked that…congradulations

Answer #7

well dont wear a bra to bed it affects growth

Answer #8

lol when you find out let me know…lmao

Answer #9

I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard to eat mashed potatoes

Answer #10


Answer #11

it’s not entirely possible, but try to drink lots of milk and foods with protein such as peanuts. eating healthy increases your growth, so it increases your boob growth. also, daily exercise will slim you down, making your boobs appear larger. you may not see immediate results but in the long run it helps. good luck!

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