
my mom recently told me she was bipolar, I had no idea. I’ve never noticed before. and lately people have been telling me that I have weird mood changes. and I notice them too. one second I’m pissed and I want to kill someone and then next I am like high, I will go from screaming and pouting to singing and dancing in liturally minutes. I dont know if I’m bipolar but my mood and opinions change A LOT and really fast. I’ve noticed before but it’s never been this bad. am I bipolar?? and if I am is it treatable?

Answer #1

The fact that your moods change a lot and really fast is the first clue that you aren’t bipolar. “Bipolar” does not simply mean moody. Bipolar describes a condition in which a person swings from a flat, depressive affect to an almost hyperactive state or increased mental and physical activity. These states generally last for days or weeks, not minutes, and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with feeling happy or sad.

“Bipolar” is frequently used to describe people like you, who are merely moody, but it sounds like you’re just impulsive and need to learn to understand your emotions, not let them rule your behavior.

Answer #2

To be honest I don’t really know what bipolar is but maybe you could check with your doctor or ask your mum how she knew she was bipolar etc… Wil post sum more posts when I think of more advice and when I get time lol. Gd luck…

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