Big boobs

Im 13 and I have C cups. Is that big for my age? because like guys always stare at my chest and im like hello my eyes are up here! But sumtimes I like the attention is that bad? Guys: do yu like girls with big boobs Girls: is it bad having big boobs or is it an advantage? Please help me thanks(:

Answer #1

Well, my friend is 14 and she wears B cup. She hates it cause she feels like most guys only like her because of her boobs. Personally, I don’t like big boobs. I think they’re distracting and guys act like pigs for them:D lol.

Answer #2

hmm…idunno. I think my boobs are a pretty decent size..I don’t think big boobs is really an advantage. Depends on how big like if there insanely big then it can cause back problems. I’m pretty happy with my boobs. ^.^ everyones different. [=

Answer #3

im 15 and in a dd so I know how you feel I think its both and advantage and bad at the same time cause most people at my school think a slut becaus ei have bigs boobs and a lot of rumors get started even though I have only had 2 bfs also some guys only go out with girls for there bodys but it does get you a ot of attention which is nice sometimes I don’t know you could take it both ways

Answer #4

im a guy in think really big boobs are kinda gross like my girlfriend has A’s and I love em like there not uber small but omg there perfect to have fun with but big boobs just digust me for some reason yep really gross lol all guys views are different

Answer #5

Girls with big boobs are hot

Answer #6

Guy answering here: At about 13 years of age, all guys like bigger boobs. So naturally they will stare. Eventually we have our own preferences… So no one guy can answer this question for all of us because it is a matter of preference.

One thing you can do to help yourself is cover up.

Answer #7

And baseball77 is a pervert

Answer #8

yes that is big. Im 21 and only have B cup

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