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BFF's or just some other people?
so lately, well not that lately but w/e. I have been feeling like I give my friends so much but never receive any thing back. Not like material items, like compliments, encouragements, advice etc. Sometimes I feel like im being jipped. lol ok I will give you some sccenarios.
- I spend two hours on my hair for semi-formal and I actually thought it looked good. I go to Marias house before and I walk in and I see her, and her hair is curly and up and it looks really good, so I say “Oh my gosh, Maria your hair looks so good, it must have taken you hours to do. You look so pretty.” and she says “Thanks, I Know I love it so much!” Does that seem like maybe a circumstance where I deserved a compliment? and its not just thta either I will give my friends all my attention when im talking to them and than I talk and they switch the subject. None of them bother to listen or even give me advice. One time I asked for advice from my friend on line and she was like, call me so I did thinking she would give me some great advice and all she did was complain about her drama! ugh! and I want to dye my hair blonde and whenever I ask that question, like do you think I should? would it look good on me? they never answer and than ask me if they think red would be a good color for them and I say “that would look so amazing you should definitly get it done!”
So after this extremly long question, my final thing would be does it seem like I give more to my friends than what I get back?
What can I do?
and sorry that I complained so much in this question :]
well…you CHOOSE your friends. if you don’t like them, cut your losses, and move on with your life. my group of friends and I call it “streamlining.” meet some new people, and start hanging out with them. then, when you feel you don’t need them, cut ties. it’s important that you know that you cannot change other people, only yourself. you can either change your ways so you don’t give/need compliments, or you can change the people you hang out with, so they give you more compliments. I would imagine some people are going to tell you to talk with your friends about it. I’m telling you now, if you do that, they won’t change. worse yet, they’ll make fun of you behind your back about whining. it will only be a bad thing. deal with it, or find some new friends. sadly, those are your only real options. best of luck…live the dream.
I know how you feel, it happened to me, I feel like you give your share and nothing comes out, youre doin what you are supposed to, this is what happened to me, I was all the time listening to my friend complain bout EVERYTHIN, and whne she say something, I ALWAYS asked, what happened, or are you ok, or something and when I brought up something she was like yea sorry and moved on to something else, I felt like she didnt want to listen to me, and there was a lot more stuff that happened, I could take up the whole pg but not going to lol, but I finally brought it up to her and she was like you know you can talk to me, and I was like yea’ but it be nice to hear you ask me…she really didnt get it, I mean she didnt get why it would be nice for her to ask and stuff…I think you need to bring it up to your friend(s) and tell them how you feel bout it, like I said there was more that went on, I think you need to tell them that youre tired of bein left out like they dont give anythin…if ya need more help or even like to read the other stuff that happened, if you think it would help just funmail me, I would ;ove to help :)
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