Best friend vs. Boyfriend

Ok so I have a boyfriend that I am very much in love with. I can’t get enough of the guy ever! But the deal is I had this guy that was my best friend but he kinda liked me I think as more then friends…but then when I started dating this other guy the guy that was my best friend wouldn’t hang out with me anymore. At first he was mad and then sad and now he seems indifferent but I really miss him and want to be friends with him again and I think about him all the time…I don’t know what to do! I just want things to be the way they were before but still have my boyfriend…any advice?

Answer #1

ok, I’ve been in your friends spot. I don’t know if you know how hard it is to be friends with someone you like or are in love with, but its almost impossible. I was best friends with this girl for almost 8 years now. we’d talk everyday, see her all the time, but she didn’t like me like that. And seriously, over time the love I had for her just started turning into spite and hate. And just recently actually we stopped hangin out, I seen her twice in the past 3 months when I use to see her everyday. but she got a new boiyfriend and I finally said to hell with that sh*t, you have no idea how hard it is unless you live through it. I tossed a friendship of 8 years out the window because I just couldn’t take it anymore. theres only so much you can take, your friend might have reached his point. your friendship is probably doomed. nows here’s your best chance. the only time I didn’t care about who she was with or when nothing bothered me was when I had a girlfriend. so finding him a women will be a temp fix. find him a good one he can fall in love with and your friendship will be fine. you need to keep his mind off of you and your boyfriend. FAU huh, watch you be the girl im talking about, lol. exact same situation

Answer #2

Sometimes its really hard for people to deal with someone they like getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, it really does hurt a lot. So just give him his space, he’ll come around.

Answer #3

What stephanie said. It must be hard for him to see you with another guy. Once he’s completely over you, he might be ready to start hanging out again. Maybe tell him you miss hanging out with him.

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