What do you think best friends are?

What do you think best friends are??

Answer #1

best friends are relle close frineds, kinda like family, they are ther for you no matter what happens. they wud b your friend no matter what, you wud b able to tell them anything and show them anything and they wudnt tell anyone. they always make you feel beter and make you laugh ther also caring and wud always comfort you. basically ther people you cud never live with out

Answer #2

best friends are people who make you happy and you cud say anything 2 without being nervous. they arent backstabbers and they are there 4 you when you need them 2 be. I dont have one tho. I have a whole bunch because its almsot like favoring one friensd more than another. you shud always keep urself open and when you dont have a best friend, you r free 2 hang out with everyone the same amount

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