best friend or boyfriend? help me. :(

there’s this guy thats practically my brother and we’ve been friends for a while. everyone thinks we’re going out because we’re always together but we werent. everyone said that we would be really cute together, but I never thought of him that way. when I saw my friend today I realized how much I like him. I’ve liked him for a really long time but I never told anybody. At first I thought it was just like a brotherly feeling. Because he’s one of my best friends. I mean he’s been there for me when I was totally upset crying, when I was going through tons of guy trouble and when I just needed to laugh or vent. But then I realized I feel more for him than that. But he likes someone else. I don’t know who though. He told me about a month ago. He said she was a pretty girl that was in my grade. it could be me but I have no idea. he hadn’t told anybody and he wasn’t going to tell anybody. I just don’t know what to do!!! Because two really good friends of mine were his girlfriend. And another of my good friends is head over heels in love with him. so help me. I really like him but I don’t want to hurt anybody. My gut is just telling me to keep it in and not do anything about it. But I like him so much… :(

Answer #1

Thanx (: I dont know what to do, but I really don’t wanna mess up our friendship. So I think I’m just going to wait on it for a couple months, and if I still feel the same way then maybe I’ll do something. But I think you’re right, maybe I don’t love him as anything more than a friend.

Answer #2

awww babe I can relate! I have a really good guy buddy I’ve dated because I thoght there was something there ..unfortunately we werent relationship material…we were too good friends by the time we tried the whole relationship all honesty, moving from friendship to relationship the dynamics change! we carried on to hang out as buddies and was pretty awkward at intimate stages and so we eventually gave it wanne make really sure this is what you wanne get into? because friends you can love so much so that you might feel that you attracted to them… good thing for me we still remain the bestest of buddies and look back on our 5 min r/ship and laugh!

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