How painful is a belly button piercing?

hey ok I have my ear and ear cartilage pierced but I really want to get my belly button. what is the pain difference compard to what I’ve alredy got? xxx

Answer #1


In my experience (and I’ve had a LOT of piercings, including the eyebrow and tongue), the ear cartilage is the most painful.

I can’t imaging the naval would be any worse than that.

Answer #2

ok so i got mine done like 3 months ago and it didnt hurt at all. i felt it come out the back but when he first started it didnt hurt. you should do it. they look so cute.

Answer #3

nope …like a bee sting just don’t look and take care of it

Answer #4

ii have my cartliage and my belly, cartliage hurt more

Answer #5

ear cartlilage hurts mort. belly button only hurts when the needle goes through after that it stings for a while. but then it goes away and then it just feels weird because now there is metal in your belly button! but really its not that bad. just gotta make sure it gets taken care of so it wont get infected. I got mine about 5 months ago and its been fine.

Answer #6

it doesnt hurt at all well i did mine myself and its didnt hurt, not even a lil soo im sure youll be fine

Answer #7

uh well… afterwards it hurts alot but when you actually get it done it didnt hurt very much.

Answer #8

Im really scared of getting it. My friends say that its didnt hurt not now after reading what people from the internet had to say, im very nervous!! Im expecting the worst. Hopefully it wont turn out that way.

Answer #9

I have had lots in my ears, my tongue and my navel (which now is ripped out and scarred). It does not hurt at all! It is unbelieveable at how much ease there was! The worst pain I had was the ear cartrilidge.

However navel piercings are annoying at times, especially during the healing period. You have to be careful not to catch it in the shower and in bed. Wear loose clothes to prevent it being caught up in it whilst healing. Mine was ripped out by someone’s ring. OUCH

Answer #10

my sister said it hurts like hell!

Answer #11

I just got mine done 3 days ago. The part that hurt the most for me was the clamp. The piercing itself didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, but afterwards it started stinging. It still hurts some, but I am a pain wimp and keep hitting my piercing…guess it takes a while to get used to.

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