Being a drummer

Hi everyone. I need someone to give me some advice… This year I`m 19. And I just started to play drum and I want to be a famous drummer by age 2x. Do you think its possible? I love drumming a lot… I give up my work just for drumming ^^ maybe this question quiet silly :x sorry. I just want to know other people opinion..

Answer #1

You’re very welcome. That’s the kind of attitude you need :) Thanks… I’m said to be pretty good at giving advice. And nope, I’ll never give up on why dreams either no matter what others say :P

Answer #2

You better believe it’s possible! You can do anything you put your mind too. Don’t EVER give up on your dreams. If people tell you other wise, ignore them. Just keep practicing and NEVER give up! I’d try to help you more but I’m from the USA… lol

Answer #3

hey parade ^^ yea. I will just ignore people who tell me negative side.. I love drumming a lot… even I cant be the best. I will still play it like mad!!! ;-) haha sound like you`re a really helpful people here =) thanks…and I hope you will not give up on your dreams too ;-)

Answer #4

well, you should definitely keep practicing (you’ll keep getting better). I’m thinking of forming a band, so if you’re not in a band already but you want to be, think about it. or go to my group Music Addicts, and just sign up. good luck to you.

Answer #5

Yo dude

I’ve been playing Guitar for about 6 yers and im stil waiting for my break

Good luck Chester Gage

Answer #6

haha drummers are hot!! naw im kidding but no really if you practice like every day for hours at a time you’ll get mad good!! I swear I did with the guitar and I am like a pro now!!! it only took me like 6 monthes

Answer #7

wow guys… thanks a lot!!! you guys giving me a lot of confident =) thanks ellissa, mysterywolf and chestergage ^^ I will do my best… I swear to god ^^ peace!@ god bless you all

[Edit] hi punkrocker. thanks =) I sure will keep practicing =). cool… but I think I stay too far from you o.0 I`m from asia lol. I will go sign it up ;)

Answer #8

If you really put your effort into it, you can definitely do it! Although you’re only starting to learn now, you can start networking with the bands and drummers around your area. Make friends with ones online in other areas too. Some bands might take you in as their drummer and it’s always good to learn ‘in the field’ than ‘in the classroom’. Your networking will pay off when you’re good and/or you have a band going. You can form gigs with these other bands, etc. Do this while you keep a job. A job will keep you grounded, and also cashed up.

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