Becoming an advisor.

It says you need to proide highly rated answers. But what’s considered highly rated?

Would “1 person thought this was helpful” be considered highly rated? Or are they looking for more than one person to think it’s helpful?

Answer #1

That part isnt very important They judge more on your answers & attitude. & how well you get along with others (:

Answer #2

yes very true, it is a rare occasion that someone actually rates your answers.

what is important is spelling and grammer- as well as what pwincess mentioned above.

Answer #3

Yes like pwincess irenemarie pointed out, the number of people clicking to indicate that your advice was helpful is not the major focus (though of course it does have some influence). If your answers are to the point and you answer the question appropriately and within the guidelines that FunAdvice has in place, then you will of course be considered by the staff as an Advisor candidate.

If you are able to answer questions in a way that is helpful and influential (in a positive way), then the odds of you becoming an Advisor will be greater. Your status shouldn’t be the focus though. Becoming an Advisor will be a recognition of how persistent and helpful you are here. The focus should be to keep helping people and inevitably (hopefully) you will be offered a position as an Advisor. Until then, keep answering questions (and asking some of your own) and focus on helping people who really don’t know what to do :).

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