Do you think beautiful people have an advantage in life?

Why or why not?

Answer #1

what do you mean by beautiful people?

Answer #2

physically beautiful

Answer #3

Oh, of course they do! It’s a sense of favoritism, I think. Because you know how you secretly judge a person before you actually talk to them? It’s the same basic concept.

Answer #4

Yes.Everybody loves them and the ugly people get treated badly.

Answer #5

It really depends. I think confident people have an advantage in life, and beauty can lead to that. Really ugly people probably have a harder time, but that’s just because they’re judged more.

Answer #6

Yeah you’re right.

Answer #7

SOMETIMES, not all the time though, however really all they can do is modelling or something else that uses their looks. however obviously beauty fades as you get older (and plastic surgery wont always fix it) so generally once they start getting older they dont get it any easier, especially since tv and modelling industries dont want older people and get rid of them for soemone younger

Answer #8

Generally attractive people have an advantage. Most people equate physical attractiveness with success (also height so tall people also have an advantage).

It can also work against them. A woman used to work at my company who was attractive enough to be a supermodel. At company parties men would literally swarm around her. She stayed an administrative assistant for years until she dyed her hair an unattractive color and started to wear dowdy business suits. When she looked less gorgeous she got promotions. My guess is that people were intimidated by her looks before but more comfortable with her after.

Answer #9

fluck yes!! but then again, beauty can only get you so far.

Answer #10

Hmmm no.. of course they could be favoured and have an easy time getting jobs and stuff but it could also create jealousy and therefore be an obstacle progressing into futher stages of their career etc. They also have to deal with misjudgement - some people think all attractive people are bitches, nasty, rude, have big egos etc Their beauty only lasts for so long..

Answer #11

It’s not really a matter of thinking. Research shows there’s a halo effect surrounding people who are physically attractive (i.e. people associate good qualities with those who are attractive), in general they do better. For example, taller men (height being an attractive quality) earn more money.

Answer #12

I kinda want to say no, just because I have seen girls and guys that are a beauty, but they only focus on that, dating, and on attencion and let everything else, like school and stuff, be nothing to them, becauee they want to be a model or famous and they think they only need beauty for that. But then there’s people outhere who get good chances because of their looks and are very smart people and stuff… so some do and sone don’t, I guess it comes to that good looking people have an advantage if they know how to manage their beauty.

Answer #13

if you have a beautiful personality then you have a BIG advantage.! if you have the good looks it’ll come in handy at times but it’s not a advantage!

Answer #14

Yes i do. There is no question. We have all seen the pretty girls cut the line at a club or flirt their way out a ticket. And in highschool, we all knew the handsome/popular guys who “rule the school” because of their appearance. I am aware this is steriotyping, but it is only to show that they do have an advantage. NOT ALL BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE USE IT, BUT THEY DO HAVE IT. Some beautiful people are truly beautiful on the inside too, but you can say that about anyone regardless of how they look. This is just my opinion…

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