
Well…after watching “Across the Universe” which by the way was AMAZING! I soon began to wonder…about songs by the Beatles. Like what exactly…do they mean? Like “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”…I know John wrote it after his son Julian came home from nursery school with a painting…John asked him what it was…and Julian told him it was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Course since John had admitted to taking LSD the song was banned from radio stations…since…the initials of the song…but…one song I was wondering even more about was…”Come together”… or just any songs by The Beatles…(Let it Be) if you know what they mean…feel free to let me know…thanks! (I am the Walrus…) ect…

Answer #1

I Am the Walrus was written by John Lennon because some college kid wrote to him saying they were trying to ‘uncode’ the meanings of the beatles lyrics. So John Lennon wrote I Am the Walrus because he believed that music doesn’t have to make sense. And I agree, Across the Universe was amazing<3

Answer #2

kamex you r really wierd. Across the Universe is my favorite movie. Come together is just about everyone coming together with peace. it seems like he wrote I am the walrus when he was drunk or high. I dont know what let it be is about but it is my favorite song

Answer #3

I found out that paul mcartney wrote let it be after having a dream about his dead mother saying it will be all right let it be. his moms name was mary and that inspired the lyric mother mary speaks words of wisdom

Answer #4

I love beatles

Answer #5

it wasn’t to bad a movie but dude you should go to for all q’s

Answer #6


across the universe was AWESOME…not horrible… oh well…I loved it!

Answer #7

I’d just like to say that Across the Universe was a horrible movie. But the Beatles are cool.

Answer #8

Their early songs are about “love” - I Want to Hold Your Hand, Love Me Do, She Loves You, et cetera - which attracted a strong following of teenage girls who fawned over the band. They were steered to produce superficial pop songs.

After Lennon’s Jesus fiasco they disappeared for a while and came back with much more artistic, expressive pieces, beginning with Strawberry Fields.

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