Is it bad that when I get in the shower and then rinse out my hair... A whole bunch of hair falls out?

Like I pull clumps of my hair out. :(

Answer #1

Possibly. Its normal to have some hair loss when showering, but clumps shouldnt be coming out. It could be caused by several reasons but a doctor would need to diagnose you. Stress, lacking vitamins, etc all are causes, but its definatly worth going to a doctor about.

Answer #2

You know, i had the same problem. i found out i was stressing too much because of finals. after finals everything was fine with my hair. if ur super stressed than try and calm down and relax, although i tried this and the problem still wouldnt go away until after finals. it could also be that maybe you dont wash your hair enough, happened to my sister because a lot of the times you have to remind her to wash her hair. shes only ten tho. it could also be you’re using too much heat on your hair. like straightening it or blow drying it, or curling it. but im not sure how much hair is normally supposed to come out. my friend one time lost all of her hair because she was so stressed, and had to wear a wig. still does… just try to pinpoint the exact reason or reasons for why this is happening, and than do what u can to fix it

Answer #3

uhm it’s not always bad, it just mean’s your hair is dieing, and there is lots of dead end’s.. but stilll some times wen i have showers my hair falls out in big clups aswell.

Answer #4

Thank you. :) Hopefully it’s nothing serious where I have to go to the doctor. :)

Answer #5

Sweet… Thanks! :)

Answer #6

i think its the lack of vitamins, that happens to me too although not in clups but it does fall out in the shower. i am now taking vitamins and it has helped. i dont think you should worry unless you start to notice bald spots.

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