Is it bad that i forget?

Awhile ago (like a month or two) i think i loss my memory of that day. i just woke up and turned my phone on to a few messages asking what happened to me yesterday and why i didn’t text. so i was wondering why i lost my memory that day.

Answer #1

Uhhh…that’s probably not good, but I’m not sure why that would’ve happened. Were you like super drunk or something? lol.

Answer #2

has this ever happened to you before?

Answer #3

one time i fell asleep but when i woke up i didnt remember anything before i slept.

Answer #4

i dont drink haha, or do d rugs :P so idk

Answer #5

the mind is so complex, i would check w my doctor. its probably not very good, but it could be harmless.

Answer #6

Probably altimzers or however you say it. my grwat grand mother had it… so maybe im showing signs that when im older…im screwed. oh well :/ live life, fun, and happliy, right?

Answer #7

i would be surprised if signs came this early lol. like i said, it could be harmless :P

Answer #8

maybe someone snuck something into your drink!

well i dont knoww, go check with a doctor maybe?

And i kinda doubt you having alltimers cause that usually happens alot later in lifee.

Answer #9

sometimes it’s best we didn’t, If you knew you’d probly hate yourself worse.

Answer #10

Hate myself? i don’t even hate myself…

Answer #11

yesterday this happened to me…I woke up with this feeling like as if I just couldnt remember anything. I guess we all have our days. I just couldnt remember if I took my morning pill for my stomach & went the whole day in pain, was as if someone lite a torch in my stomach. (yeah it was acid reflux) was just a bad day all in all!

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