How do I handle a backstabbing friend?

How do I handle a backstabbing friend?

Answer #1

Stay AWAY!! and they won’t bother you as much! It is always good to 4give them , but if you don’t really like her then you can opoligize but stay AWAY from her!!

Answer #2

F*ck ‘em you don’t need to be around the negative energy. it will just bring you down, worrying because you know you could never trust them

Answer #3

Cut them off, or if you are TOO good of friends, and you dont feel comfortable cutting them off, then I would suggest you let them know what is up.. tell him/her, you dont appreciate what they are doing, and you would like them to stop, or else you are going to refuse their friendship.. but really in all actuality to avoid this, just let them go. :]

Answer #4

Drop them as a friend, you really don’t need that type of person in your life. There are tons of back-stabbing people that I’m friends with (that don’t back-stab me, but each other), and it’s horrible to see it happen. They just never learn from their mistakes and it really sucks for other people who get betrayed by their friend(s). You shouldn’t have to deal with someone like that.

Answer #5

AMEN to all of the above. several same answers in a row…hmmm sounds like a winner!!!

Answer #6

I agree cut them off.

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