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Back problemsss
Do guys mind if a girl has mild/moderate back acne?
I know its not pretty… But dose it really bother them while being “intimate?”
it doesnt bother me I mean its pretty normal no reason to judge especially when that day comes when she has a huge one on her face just jumpn at you lmao
Just go to your local dermatologist sp? And they can right you a fairly cheap perscription of pills that would help if you insecure about it.
no it doesn’t bother them
How do I go back to blonde? - 2 Answers
How do I go back to blonde from red ?
How do I get rid of a blackhead on the middle of my back? - 1 Answers
How do I get rid of a blackhead in the middle of my back? I live alone.
What are some hairstyles for back to school? - 1 Answers
what hairstyles should I have 2 go back 2 skl? I have shoulderlength light brown hair with layers + a fringe. ?
How long does it take male pubic hair to grow back? - 2 Answers
Is a male ment to shave his pubic hair and if he dose how log dose it take to grow back
When a girl had back ofher dress in her panties would you tell her? - 2 Answers
If a girl just came out of the bathroom and she had the back of her dress stuck in her panties would you tell her?
How long will it take for hair to grow back? - 1 Answers
how long will it take for hair to grow back when it was used by smooth away?
How can we get pink hair dye out so my kid can go back to school? - 1 Answers
My son has pink hair and we need to get it out so he can go back to school how do we get it out?
How do I get my hair back to natural color? - 2 Answers
Ok I have blone hair but I dyed. Is there any way to get it back to it's natural color?
Can I put the ring back in a piercing that's closing? - 1 Answers
I took my *private parts* ring out when I had my son 4 months ago, and I can see the hole is still there, but can I still put...
What do you people mean when they say that hair comes back "fuller" after you shave it? - 1 Answers
like does it come back thicker? Darker? Because I don't like having peach fuzz on my face and arms. I want a beard and darker...
Q. Hair Spray
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