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Awful Acne
My nose is COVERED in black heads. So bad that I’ll try to pop one zit and puss will come out from everywhere. What can I do to lessen my acme? What products work best?
Well acne is natural and part of nature mostly every teen gets acne in their life time. What I do to get my face a bit more clear is I wash it with a special acne soap which you can get at any store.. but make sure they have little really tiny circles that contain minerals for your skin. Massage it where the affected area is for like 5 minutes then wash it out with hot water not too hot though and then get a towel and place it on top of your face for a few seconds and then your done but it only works if you do it every night or ever morning. This helps rinse out the oil in your skin and oil brings pimples. Thats what I do everynight and it has actually made my face more clear.. But another thing you can try doing is putting toothpaste on the pimple and leave it there for like 3 minutes and then wash it off. Or you can also make lemon juice and place on the affected area as a liquid. You have 3 choices, you decide! good luck ;]
proactiv is supposed to be awesome. cut down on fats and sugars…wash your face regularly. try those nose-black-head-removal-stick-it-on-your-face-and-wait-ten-minutes-then-pull-it-off-and-see-the-difference-pads-things. they work well. good luck…live the dream.
U should definately see a dermatologist. They can help in this area for sure. Also, dont pop them. The puss spreads and thats how you can get more. A dermatologist told me that. Same thing w/pimples. Later on, get a facial. It really opens up your pores and they also take the blackheads off your nose w/this tool they have. Its great for your skin. See a dermatologist first. Funmail me you like :)
I would schedule a dermatoligist apointment(a face specialist) They would tell you what to do and give you the right products.
But for right now you need to find a product. It depends on your skin type and your problem. Your skin is probably oily and your problem is black heads so look for a product that helps with that. Get face wash and black head prevention astringment.
Just get more help by searching on google to find products.(If you get a moisturizer make sure you only use it when you NEED to or it will clog your pores if your skin isnt really dry.)
Well I hope this helped a little!
Be well hydrated. This helps!
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