who here has Avatar powers?

Answer #1

Uh…nobody…it isn’t real

Answer #2

I really hope you dont think you do…

Answer #3

No one.

Answer #4

i do!

Answer #5

whats your power?

Answer #6

I do. I can also change the weather with my mind, and my powers can contribute to spontaneous combustion of household objects and sometimes even people. I think it’s because I was born in an eclipse. I’m also a Vampire and am 316 years old.

Answer #7

I’m 317…ha! Beat that :P

Answer #8

oh my gosh, me too but i’m 102 years old not 316 XD

Answer #9

im 10,000 years!

Answer #10

im really 13000 in vampire years (13 in human years) and umm i can control ANY&THING wqith my mind plush i am in the vamp royal familey.


Answer #11

Hahahahahaha,awesome. well my grea great great grand father was one of the first vampires

Answer #12

well my Great Great Great Grandfather was the grand master of the vampires and he could never be killed!

Answer #13

Woooooooooooooooooow….u have a great imagination.

Answer #14

my grandfather created vampires!

Answer #15

MEEEEE I run around my house with my iPod thinking im a Fire Bender with Dragon Ball Z powers !!! >:D I will whoop your BOOTY!!!!

Answer #16

its mental trivulation………………………….believe and no relieve…..power

Answer #17


Answer #18

me..shh dont tell ;)

Answer #19

im part demon. chaos and destruction. torture and torment. =) thats what i do best

Answer #20

I do. Yes, in real life. And my powers are quite different if I wear jeans, a flashy suit, an orange robe, or yellow and maroon, or white, or red, or a lab coat, or scrubs, or full metal jacket. Hats and shoes are good too.

By becoming avatars resembling occupants of the medical world, people have been convincing enough to be accepted as doctors – for many months.

By becoming avatars of the ‘underworlds’ they wish to understand or change, MI6, FBI and military professionals have infiltrated many different worlds. People in Papal avatars have sat in the white chair - the heart of the Vatican’s world. Many sons try to be their fathers, especially in dynasties. In December 2009, a man dressed as a war veteran. It gave him the power to attend an Armistice Day ceremony in Coventry, UK - a British army world. Steampunks are gradually building a real-life world. Trekkies become avatars at conventions, as do Tupperware people.

Lady Gaga has a lot more power than Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

You get so many points for a reasonable avatar, more power per extra person who thinks you belong in their world. More still if you speak the language - and jargon - of the entered world convincingly. The more you successfully learn and do, the higher the level of power you can achieve. There is no difference between gaming and real world avatars in terms of power potential - the issue is level of risk. That’s why gamers use levels of power, and it’s because we use avatars in the real world that they are so intuitive in the games, even for novices. You simply have to learn the rules of engagement and advancement - through Learning. The reason people find the gamer worlds’ manuals easier to learn than school stuff is because the game world is more like life, but with much less risk! Second Life is harder for many, because it IS more like life, and real risks are involved…. :) :) :)

The concept is like the vase/two people illusion. It’s not obvious at first.

Answer #21

uh oh…. fangs pop out umm hides them

Answer #22


Answer #23


Answer #24

i would love have you around my parties!

Answer #25

@starstory101 i think reading this person’s username can give you a clue

Answer #26

actually it is real online…. avatar really is only a second life and it was invented when usernames were not enough

Answer #27

Does a real-life avatar wearing a football shirt have less power than one with the footballer’s name and number?

Answer #28

:D Oh Yea HOUSE PARTY!!!!!

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