How to have success as an actor?

I ‘ve always wondered how it felt for Daniel Radcliffe to act in such a big hit in a America today.I want to act some day and I hope I do like him on day!

Answer #1

your probably gonna need an agent and your going to have to take classes cuz your not going to look like a serious actor if u dont have experience with anything

u should google “john robert powers” and find their website it seems they seem to know the business pretty well

i would love to be an actor it just seems like such an awesome career

Answer #2

Well for starters you should get into commercials. Your parents will have to be willing to help you out as you will most likely have to travel depending on where you live.

Check out these websites:

Answer #3

i feel the same exact way. i wanna act too. i would love to meet him and to ask him some questions about his acting career and wat he thinks about it. and if he thinks that it was a very good decsion he made. i wonder how u become an actress. do u know??

Answer #4

So what type of advice do you want??

You made more of a declaration than a question.

It’s going to be A LOT of hard work. But go for it!

Answer #5

alright. awsome. thanks. :D

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