Are tongue piercings visable ??

I’m going to go get a tongue piercing this weekend with my friend but my school doesn’t allow piercings. And I know that if I get a piercing I’ll have to wait for it to heal before I can take it out during school. Is it possible to get a tongue piercing without my teachers finding out ?? Is it visible ?? and will my speech be effected enough for them to notice the piercing. Could I get the piercing further back for it to be less visible ??

thank you so much :) :)

Answer #1


Answer #2

its visible when you openyour mouth lol

Answer #3

yes and no. it depends on how much you concentrate on hiding it. my sister got hers done without telling my parents and she hid it from them for 3 months. they never knew but she ended up telling them. I’m sure if you were a clear ball or something you could hide it. but remember, they can’t take it out of you, they can’t touch you and they can’t make you take it out and give it to them. its your property they have no right.


Answer #4

yes it can be very visable. I had mine done about six months ago, but I had to take it out due to wisdom teeth removal. if your speech doesnt slur at all, people sometimes wont notice. it took my entire house hold a week and a half to nitice I had it. it all depends on how hard you try to hide it too. btw, it also heals very fast. it took 2 weeks for me!!!

Answer #5

if you take it out during school it will close up (most of my friends have theirs done). if you talk with your teeth kinda closed the teachers shouldn’t notice too much, just dont sit there with your tongue hanging out lol. I dont know if you could have it further back because there are veins in your tongue and the person piercing it has to check where they are to pierce it in the correct place. hop ei helpes :) xx

Answer #6

have you ever seen anyone with a tongue piercing? 99% of the time you are talking it will be visible…unless you are talking through clenched teeth the whole time. also, your tongue will be sore for at the most a few days afterwards, so yeah your speech may be affected depending on your tolerance for pain.

also, I dont think they go very far back with tongue piercings for safety reasons.

Answer #7

what school doesnt allow piercings??? well when you get it your tongue WILL get swollen and you WILL sound wierd when you talk!! and it would be visable because your tongue is could ask the guy to pierce it back alil but there is no difference!!! but the swolleness WILL go away after a week or so…CHEW ON ICE !!!

Answer #8

dont be an idiot and get it oif your school doesnt allow it any facial peircing is visible especially one in or around your mouth because thats were people look at you when you talk wait untill your a bit older so you both dont go to school and actually have learned more about them and if its something you even really want

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