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pms is not a mood disorder, and there’s not too many cases of bipolar in the world that is not accompanied by depression. However, depression can look different in different people. Long story short, not really (again, there are cases of bipolar 1 that arent accompanied by depression, but they are rare)
I wasnt saying that pms was a mood disorder but I was just stating that you can be moody for other reasons than depression. we all have feelings and react to different things different ways. so you think that everyone who is moody or bipolar are depressed. okkkay
what??? yeah you can be moody or unbalanced without being depressed. like pms, bipolar, and so on.
What are some mood disorders? - 1 Answers
What are some mood disorders kinda like bipolar but not as severe.
Depression/bipolar disorder - 2 Answers
Im defo depressed, and 90% sure I have bipolar disorder. I want to go to the docters. But im scared if I tell them they might...
What are symptoms of depression and do I have it? - 2 Answers
1)What are some signs or symptoms of depression? 2)And do you think I AM depressed? 1) I have looked on the net but I canno...
Constant mood swings - 2 Answers
Everyday this month I have been having massive and non-stop mood swings,like I am happy 1 minute and just down and depressed ...
What...am I depressed or is it a phase? - 2 Answers
I'm pretty sure im depressed but I just wanted to make sure. Well, I'm always sad. I dont enjoy the things I used to... I ...
Does anyone know anything bout bipolar disorder? - 3 Answers
hey does any one anything bout bipolar disorder? the symptons apart from going from big ups to extreme lows? does any body ha...
Why am I always depressed and stressing out? - 2 Answers
I stress a lot && im not exactly sure why. im only 16 && I have an amazing fiance who just knocks me right off my feet. but f...
I am so depressed but I dont know why... - 12 Answers
Well, I have been depressed lately and I dont know why. And it seems like I get on funadvice to talk to people because it mak...
How can I not be depressed anymore? - 4 Answers
Okay, I am really depressed right now. and it is because of a guy. I'm not going to kill myself or anything. but im really ...
I'm really depressed I dont know what to do - 7 Answers
no friends,no social life outside of school, does not fit in{family or school} I feel im the weirdest compare to the rest of ...
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