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I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Christ himself is the head, and he said to St. Peter, “you are rock, and upon this rock I will buid my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
He has only one Church, founded on his very own hand-picked Apostles. All who are baptized with the Trinitarian baptism and profess Christ Jesus as Lord are members of “his body, that is the Church” (Mat. 16:17-19; 28:19-20; Col. 1:24)
Are you speaking of the Apostolic Christian Church founder in 1830? No I’m not. . .
What is your difinition of Apostolic?
I am Apostolic (:
I am!
it wasnt founded in 1830. it’s been around since the begining of time…. since Jesus died on the cross for us.
who here on FUNADVICE.COM is Apostolic Christian? I want to know so please who is one? or is there anyone here who knows abou...
Is anyone celebrating Imbolc? - 1 Answers
If so, what are your plans? I would love to hear them!
Is anyone going to the Sai World Youth Conference? - 1 Answers
Anyone going for the sai world youth conference in Putthaparti in India???
Anyone ever owned a Djinn? - 2 Answers
I been wanting to get one... I always hear really good things about them.
Can anyone help explain Buddhism and Tao? - 4 Answers
and other religions in there own words? maybe a little summary of the predominant religions in the world?
Does anyone know who said this quote and if I'm saying it right? - 1 Answers
"If Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins we would be making a mockery of his martydom if we didn't(sin)" I love t...
Does anyone know how to control a broom? - 1 Answers
I am wiccian, I got this new broom. It works but it vibrates hard, when your at a high level. Can some one please help me? Th...
Is anyone here a Wiccan? - 11 Answers
I was wondering if anyone here was a Wiccan? I am a Wiccan. If anybody here is a Wiccan please come talk to me.
Does anyone else on here lead a Christian prayer group? - 3 Answers
If so, do you have any tips? My best friend and I are debating if we should start one or not.
Has Anyone Given Anything Up For Lent? - 7 Answers
Has anyone Given Anything Up for lent? I have, I never usually give anything up, but me and my friends are trying to give up ...
Religion, Spirituality & Folk...
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism