Anyone a pysic

Is anyone here a pysic if so contact me please

Answer #1

hi! I am a little bit but my mom is really psycic . I dont think I can send funmail so you funmail me!

Answer #2

I think I am I have dreams of places I have never seen before then I end up going there Or a dream of a situation that will end up happening Its messed up

Answer #3

Yes, there are def. supernatural abilities, however, the bible warns us to be very careful in this area. When you enter into the supernatural realm, (one of which you basically know nothing of) you are not equipped to deal with what you may find there.

God tells us to seek our advice and counsel from him, thru the power of the supernatual… Holy Spirit.

If he chose to call the third part of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit… then… it goes to reason that there is an unholy spirit, in fact, an unholy trinity.

Because, Satan, who cannot create… mimics, and counterfeits, everything that God does.

God gives us instructions, in his word, and thru his people, but, since we have freewill, we are on our own, as to whether or not we follow these instructions.

Answer #4

If they really were psychic they would have contacted you before you posted this question. :)

Answer #5

It is spelled psychic…but you knew I was going to say that.

Answer #6

I am empathic and clairvoiant.. among other things

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