Any advise you have is much appreciated

me and my boyfriend of one month are both 23years old. we just found out I’m 3 weeks pregnant he says we have 2 get an abortion because we cant handle it and there is no other way that we are just putting it on pause we can have a baby later on and that its just a cluster of cells nothing special…I dont want the abortion but I cant bring myself 2 say no and stick 2 it I love him and dont want 2 lose him but I dont want 2 kill our baby either..I have an appiontment friday 4 the abortion pill…I’m scared giulty and lonely…

signed dying inside

Answer #1

It is completely our decision, do not let him make it for you. I think if you already feel guilty about it, you will cry yourself to sleep many nights over it. Personally I disagree with abortion, but I would never judge anyone who decides to get one, that’s for God to do… So let me ask you this…you are both 23, both obviously grown enough to have sex, why are you not able to handle a baby together? Or alone? If he is man enough to lay with you and make the baby, and you are woman enough to do the same, you should be responsible and educated enough to know the possible outcomes of your actions… Another thought…if you feel you may lose him if you keep the baby, you’re likely to lose him one day anyway. A baby in my eyes is a blessing, a gift. Also if he is pressing the issue, do you think at all that he has taken the emotional strain it will put on you (and maybe him) into consideration? Any time you see a baby, you will remember…holding a baby will almost hurt you literally. I have never had an abortion, (I have 4 kids, and take excellent care of them, with no assistance) but 2 of my closest friends have. One of them was 10 years ago, the other was 6 years ago. They regret it more than anything in the world, and still lay awake many nights pondering over the guilt of what was done and what could have been. I’m not trying to make the choice for you, it’s all yours to make…YOURS…YOURS… I just wanted togive you some things to think about, other than just thinking you would be ridding yourself of a problem. Please don’t be offended by anything I said, I really don’t want to offend you. I thought I would just put it into a different perspective for you. Whatever decision you make, I wish you the best

Answer #2

It’s YOUR choice, not his, it’s YOUR body. Don’t do it if you’re not sure, YOU’LL have to live with the emotional consequences of it, NOT HIM, so don’t let him pressure you into doing it.

If he doesn’t respect your decision, then you don’t deserve him. He’s an adult and should be able to deal with the consequences and help support you which ever way you choose.

Also remember that there are always other choices like adoption open, go to your local clinic/planned parenthood this week and speak to them about it, before you do it.

I believe it’s a woman’s right to choose, but in your case I’ll say no, don’t do it because you don’t feel it’s right.

Answer #3

I have no views on abortion either way, I think women have the right to choose. If you do not want to have this abortion, then dont. You’ve only known this guy for a month… You have to decide what is best for you. Can you raise a baby by yourself? Is that what is best for you and the child? Can you live with it if you do have an abortion… These are things you need to decide for yourself (and not some self-righteous people who arent going to be raising it…)

Answer #4

please dont have an abortion. baby are a blessing. that little person can become someone really great in life. it may not be formed now but give it a chance to. babys are a joy. and if you feel you are not ready to take care of one, ther is someone out there that can. that baby can have a very happy life, just please dont have an abortion. god let this happen for a reason. think about the baby.

Answer #5

well its intirely your choice if you want to keep it or not but think about it if you cant take care of a baby right now, it might not be the best time for one your not really killing it either, because it hasnt formed any internal organs yet or you could always have the baby but either give it up for adoption or ask a family member/friend, ect to help take care of it or to take care of it untill you can either take care of it yourself, or they could keep it but you could still be involved in its life

Answer #6

You should do what you think is right. Do not let others make up your mind for you. You are old enough to decide what you what to do.

Answer #7

Its your choice. I personally hate abortions. Killing a baby :( why does that baby not get a chanse at life.

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