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How to change my anorexic habits?
I relize I have a problem with food. I limit my calorie intake to as few as I can get by with I exersise at the gym for hours, on top of dancing for hours. Still Im not skinny. How can I change my habits? My friends, including my best guy friends are starting to notice the differerence in me. How can I fix my problem now, before it is too late. I don’t really want to talk to anyone, because I can’t do that. They will look at me and think “Well, because you don’t eat anything wy aren’t you skinny” I still really really hate my body, and I still want to lose lots of weight desperately, but I relize that I am on the wrong path. Can anybody help me get on track?
I saw a picture of you from the hips up. Trust me, sweetie, you’re thin. You need to talk to someone that cares about you NOW. Do you have a mom, dad, grandparent, aunt or uncle that you are close to? If so, please talk to them. Tell them how you feel about yourself and tell them what you’ve been doing. They’ll get you the help you need. I’ve suffered some eating disorders. It was only when I became pregnant and started getting a belly in recent months that I realized I was never fat to begin with and should have gotten over myself. Talking to others may help your self-esteem. No one that is your friend is going to look at you when you tell them and say “wow, if you’re anorexic why are you still so fat?” They know you’re thin. I guarantee you. Please, for your own health talk to one of your trusted adult family members. I’d hate to see you waste away because you’re scared of what people think.
hmm,I d0nt kn0w h0w t0 help y0u change y0ur ways,0nly y0u can d0 it with y0ur mind.y0u kn0w y0u are skinny any girl wants t0 just be skinnier.umm have y0u tried just eating apples and sucking 0n ice?n0t the green apples they give leg cramps.try it.
I know this sounds soft but you are not losing weight because you are not eating enough.As your body thinks you are starving it,it holds on to your stored fat so by doing this its not going to help you,just eat 3 small meals aday and if you burn off more calories then you had you will start to lose weight but by doing it the sensible way
hmm,I d0nt kn0w h0w t0 help y0u change y0ur ways,0nly y0u can d0 it with y0ur mind.y0u kn0w y0u are skinny any girl wants t0 just be skinnier.umm have y0u tried just eating apples and sucking 0n ice?n0t the green apples they give leg cramps.try it.
well first of all you seem like a very pretty girl and you should only want to change for your benefit… if you are trying to change for yourself then here are a few helpful tips…”starving yourself actually doesn’ make you lose weight any faster( I’ve tried that, I got really sick and gained all my weight back..) the best way to lose weight is to drink more water and eat healthy foods…I know you probably already know that but it has been working for me… eat a lot of fruit..it gives you the healthiest energy and it has no “bad” fat… some people keep in mind are naturally “larger” (bad word sry) than others too… hope I helped…write back! :)
it would be a good idea to get some counselling. they can give you ways to change your anorexic habits.
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