How do I get materials on anorexia?

how do i get materials on anorexia?

Answer #1


What do you need the materials for? What kind of materials?

Bulimia and anorexia are both psychological conditions. You don’t MAKE yourself either of those things–they are diseases of the mind. They aren’t substitutes for healthy diet and exercise, which WILL help you lose weight.

Instead, it will slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Eventually, anorexia and bulimia will demineralize teeth. Your teeth may become sensitive to heat, cold, and acids. Eventually, your teeth may severely decay, erode away from fillings, and finally fall out. Sexy, huh?

Your blood potassium levels can drop significantly with regular vomiting or use of certain diuretics. This can disturb your heart’s rhythm and even produce sudden death.

Salivary glands may swell because of infection and irritation from the vomit. You may at some point suffer from stomach ulcers and bleeding and tears in your esophagus. Constipation may result from frequent laxative use.

When bulimic episodes occur over time, a sequence of chronic illnesses can occur affecting your heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and/or neurologic complications.

Good luck.

Answer #2

What sort of materials? Teaching materials? I know when my ballet teacher talked to us about anorexia and bulimia and eating disorders (I had talked to her beforehand and told her I was worried for a few friends,I knew how EDs were and didn’t want them to have tog o through it also) and she said she would bring her “materials” I had no clue what she meant by this,and quite frankly, I laughed at it, and was scared of it. But, her so called “materials” were books. I’m sure you can get books on it at bookstores. Anything else you need I’m sure you can fine online (ie. videos,other things of the like) And you can also search for articles through google.

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