Annoying things?

Okaii I am doing this project.. well it for te school that I have to catch up on or soemthing llike that?? well I neeed to know if their is anything that you use that really annyoys you and you think thaat it cn be improved. please telll mee.. I need help on this one… thank-you :)

Answer #1

here is a boring 1… calcium deposites!!! they hurt like hell speacially if they are on your wrist. and an interesting one… People with bad style!!! you can improve them if they are your friend but not if you dont know them..

Answer #2

miley cyrus, hannah montana, selena gomez, demi livato, and people who spell words wrong on purpose

Answer #3

annoying things hey well for instats lets see nothing

Answer #4

I hate it when you’re eating fries and can’t get that last bit of ketchup out of the bottle. that’s annoying.

Answer #5


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