Angry man who I love

should I give up on my relationship if he is constantly angry, at me? he doesn’t hurt me. he just yelled at me because I IMed him when his computer was first turning on. and it froze the computer. girls, I need your advice on this one. HELP!! he does this kind of stuff a lot.

Answer #1

Don’t you watch movies? Get out of the relationship immediately if there is no acceptable base as to why he is angry. Right now he is yelling, tomorrow, you’ll have a black eye. Try asking if there is anything wrong first and if he acts normal, then yea, he definitely has anger issues.

Answer #2

Comeing from a guy. I have never yelled at my girl in perons in over 5 years I get mad and have yelled at her over the phone. If he is angery with you all the time, what do you think will happen 3 years from now? Seriously I wana hear the answer. He wont stop and it will only get worse. Why do women choose guys like that then choose to stay with them? Do some women get off on being treated like that?

Think of it this way if you had a daughter would you want her to date him?? Theres your answer.

Answer #3

Exactly what do you need help with? If hes like this now when your just dating, what kind of marriage do you think you’ll have? Trust me, it will get worse. If he cant sweat the small stuff, what is he like when a real problem arises? Lifes too short to be with someone you have to walk on eggshells around…so many guys out there that dont have anger problems, and can treat you like you deserve to be treated, if you think your worth that.

Answer #4

Well, if you really love him then stay with him and try to solve his problems with angriness. But think to yourself before you do this. Is it really worth it? To be with a man that’s constantly angry at you? Or is this your fault? Are you the one whose screwing up here or not? If you are, then try and repent. But if you arent then ask yourself if he’s worth all the stress.

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