Am I too wet?

Is it possible for me to be so wet that I cant feel my boyfriends penis stroking in me? We had to stop once before because my juices got inside the condom I don’t know why he stopped though it felt so good and he only had one condom and that day I was pissed after that happened

Answer #1

Being wet is a very good thing. If your boyfreinds condoms are letting in anything, they are too loose. If he don’t like the wet, have him use a towel or something to pull out and wipe off with during sex. Some guys like to feel the friction. As for you, if you like it dryer, do the same, pull him out and wipe him off and back at it. You sould like fun, have fun. Jeff TBP

Answer #2

You can never be too wet but maybe your boyfriend needs tighter condoms. Joe

Answer #3

yea you can never b too wet…shyt thatz a plus lol…but I agree wit joerigg.

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