Am I 'the other girl'?

When I was on the bus today this girl came up to me and cussed me out saying I made her boyfriend break up with her. And I had no clue what she was talking about, but then I realized her ex must be the guy who asked me to see a movie today. I just yelled back at her and said she didn’t know what she was talking about. But now I understand, and feel kind of bad. What should I say to her? Should I ask the guy about it?

Answer #1

Just casually ask him about his previous relationships and if he had a girlfriend or summin like that. maybe just bring up a subject first which will be able to link onto previous relationships so it doesn’t sound suspicious. see what happens. hope this helps. If I think of a better reply and get time to post it here I wil.

Answer #2

dont get into it. its not really any of your business. your goiing to see a movie, friends do it all the time. besides, she cant really stop you.

Answer #3

say to her that your sorry but theres no law that says you kant date her ex… but dont say any thing 2 him

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