Am I pregnant? Or just being paranoid

Hi my period is late by 5 days…my boobs hurt and there much harder than before..&& I’ve been also having pain in my lower back…And yeah I had unprotected sex…Can someone please tell whats going on? Please and thank you

Answer #1

Could just mean that your bout to come onto your period. But unprotected sex isnt smart :p you could end up with a bun in the oven, hun. You don’t want that at a young age ^^ Could mess up your life.

Answer #2

You had unprotected sex and are having symptoms and have NO IDEA of what is going on?

Why are you having sex if you’re not educated about it?

Go speak to your doctor and ask him what sex is and how sperm meets egg works next time you see him…

Answer #3

Can someone please tell whats going on?

Yeah, its called A DOCTOR. Go see one. People on the Internet have no way of knowing if you’re pregnant.

Answer #4

You had unprotected sex, so yeah - you could be pregnant.

With those symptoms, it’s pretty likely. Take a test.

Answer #5

Harder boobs dont necessarily mean pregnant. Breasts getting more pert and sensitve usually happen to someone who is about to come onto their period or at least a month pregnant. Take a Test, Also see a doctor about STI’s. its embarrassing yes but you ratjher be s\afe than sorry. Also, Chlamydia is active 1 in every 6 sexually active Adults between 16-25. So take heed and next time use more sense.

Answer #6

Yup you’re pregnant CONGRATULATIONS!!

Answer #7

take a test just to be extra sure

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