Am I pregnant or just an early period?

Hi, well on the 4th I had protected sex with my boyfriend, and the last couple of days I’ve been having some sickness feelings, headaches, stomach cramping and like some ‘electric’ sort of pains in my uterus. This morning I noticed some light brown mucus in my underwear but as the day went on it went redish/brown and lumpy but still light enough for just a panty liner. I was wondering if im having early pregnancy symptoms (if its even possible this early) or its all just in my head or my period, but my period usually starts really heavy and I worked out today that my last period was only 15days ago so im confused! Lol What do you think it could be? :s

Answer #1

Thnkyou, but im not pregnant I came on my period this morning so false alarm! lol

Answer #2

if the condom wasnt expired, had no holes in it, ect and was used correctly you should be fine and it could just be all in your head, if you stress to much about it, you may think you are pregnant when your not, and that stress can even put off your period from comming also if the condom was kept in a wallet for too long or in the sun, that will greatly weaken it, and increase your chances of getting pregnant …if your unsure, get a pregnancy test or go to the doctors if its been less than 3 days since unprotected sex, you can get the morning after pill if its been more, using it can cause harm to the unborn baby if you did end up having one

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