Am I pretty enough to be a model?

am I pretty enough 2 be a model?

Answer #1

Sure, you’re pretty enough to be a model. =] But keep in mind, modeling isnt strictly about looks… like “you’re pretty, you get the job” you know? There’s a lot more to it. x] But yea, you should go for it if you want. =]

Answer #2

ha! first honeybee7x asked the exact same question than I stole it from her and now you r askin thast so weird! lol

but you r definitly pretty enough! you shud go into the biz!

Answer #3


Answer #4

Hiyyah! your most definaly pretty enough 2 be a model! But it is alwayz nice to see smiles Not in a nasty waii! xxx Hope this helps xxx

Answer #5

It’s not your looks that get you into modelling, it’s what you have to give such as confidence and knowing how to carry yourself.

Answer #6

Choose what you think not what other people think of you.

Answer #7

don’t listen to 265 3099 you are not ugly and nutting wrong wit your boobs are not pointy

Answer #8

no you are very ugly and your boobs are pointy you should be a photographer maybe

Answer #9


Answer #10

lol you shud defo try!!! xxxhunixxx

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