Akbar Anna and Birbal Bhaiya

Akbar: What is the differece between a truth and a lie???

What is the most wackiest answer you can think of??

Answer #1

well they say the truth will set you free, but I have never seen anyone set free over the truth. Lying just gets you into more trouble than the truth.

I went to the woman’s state pen 8 years ago for telling the truth!

Answer #2
  1. There is a big difference between lie and truth, truth makes life easy, not complicated and peaceful but lie makes people don’t believe in each other, destroy life and make life hard to live.

  2. The most wacky answer which is I don’t think there is any difference between them.

Answer #3

Uhh… I don’t know that’s weird. Lies let you do stuff and truth doesn’t?

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